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  1. Mindful Time Management

    reading a book?  Also remember that some research indicated that prolonged usage of Facebook can ...

  2. International Student Blog

    funded through the Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative (iAGRI). My studies focus on Agricultural ... throughout my time on campus.  My research project here at Ohio State aims at “Assessing Perceptions of ... education that I have gained at Ohio State, my research is expected to provide knowledge and information ...

  3. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House

    Washington State University, was the keynote speaker. She is well recognized for her research on the ... the focus of Dr. Francis Fluharty’s, OSU Research Professor, presentation on “Development of a Jersey ... Field Specialist, 4) Jersey Calf Research at Ohio State, Dr. Kristy Daniels, OSU Assistant Professor, ...

  4. Using Manure with Growing Crops

    research plots in recent years in an attempt to make maximum use of the available nitrogen. In addition to ... growing crops during the season of application. The OSU Extension research plots attempted to determine if ... wheat. Three replicated research plots were undertaken in 2005 and 2006, comparing swine manure to 28% ...

  5. Farmer Cooperators Needed to Document Effects of Pipeline Installation on Soil

    We are calling this a pilot project because we have yet to secure funding to conduct this research ...

  6. New iAGRI Student, Joyce Mwakatoga, relishes in the first few weeks at The Ohio State University

    the  Innovative Agricultural Research Initiative  (iAGRI), a Feed the Future project in Tanzania funded ... food system institutions in Tanzania through graduate degree training, collaborative research, and ...

  7. Corn Stalks Offer A Low Cost Feed Option

    2000 National Research Council’s (NRC) Nutrient Requirement of beef cattle, mature cattle in ...

  8. Manure Science Review on August 2

    risk of nutrient runoff,” said Mary Wicks research associate with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...

  9. Frost Seeding with a Drill

    to count on those freeze/thaw cycles.  Wayne Shriver, OSU Eastern Agricultural Research Station ... Eastern Agricultural Research Station at Caldwell we manage our pastures in an effort to keep them ...

  10. Manure Science Review

    risk of nutrient runoff,” said Mary Wicks research associate with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ...
