
Search results

  1. TCO Is Here for You- Maximizing the Impact of Your Research

    Office (TCO) can help maximize the impact of your research. Participants will be exposed to the types of ... your research. Registrants will also hear success stories from the College of Agriculture and ... Environmental Sciences demonstrating how an intellectual property strategy that is aligned with research ...

  2. Research News- January 2022

    Happy "News" Year! The CFAES Research News is hot off the press. Highlights include:- DC ...

  3. Archived Presentations and Materials

    Narrative - Presentation Writing a Compelling Project Narrative - Recording Research Integrity Navigating the CFAES ... Research Enterprise (PI/GDSU/OSP)- Who does what? ePA-005 Instructions for Completing the ePA-005 Form ... Strategies to Engage Faculty and Promote Research Efforts Potential Sources of Matching Funds/Cost Share ...

  4. Frequently Used Info

    GDSU has compiled a list of important links for CFAES researchers. Something you're looking ...

  5. Analyst

    opportunity to work with the Research and Development, Finance, and Regulatory departments. Sunday, July 31, ...

  6. You're Invited! Using Rules of Life: Workshop and Postdoc Incubator Invitation from NSF

    a Town Hall bringing together a multidisciplinary group of researchers to discuss this topic and to ... time, novel research on artificial intelligence and data analytics is providing essential tools for ...

  7. Reproducible Research from Noisy Data: Thoughts from Agricultural Statistics

    Reproducible results define the very core of scientific integrity in modern research. Yet, ... legitimate concerns have been raised about the reproducibility of research findings, with important ... becoming an essential component of research efforts across the sciences, this talk highlights the ...

  8. Data Management Plans

    researchers to help them write a clear, effective, and thorough data management plan for their grant ... proposal. Begin building your plan by clicking here. Visit the OSU Research Commons website for help with: Data ... management plans for NSF, NIH, DOE, and more Best practices for managing research data Data sharing and ...

  9. Development Coordinator

    coordinating efforts and solving problems. • Ability to apply research skills. • Ability to write and edit ...

  10. Researchers Selected for the Inaugural CFAES STARS Program Cohort

    Research, Innovation, and Knowledge has injected much enthusiasm for research across the university. In the ... sponsored research within this decade,” solidifying the importance of research to the university.   Many new ... research and creative expression,” including: a planned investment of $750 million over the next decade for ...
