
Search results

  1. New AEDE Staff Members

    research and teaching with extension specialists to provide the transition of knowledge from university to ...

  2. Students Gain Business Experience Through Simulation

    way through the online platform making decision after decision on how to reduce time spent in research ...

  3. FST Faculty Can Speak on Salmonella, Backyard Chickens

    sanitary practices and the development of processes that kill pathogens. Yousef and his research team ...

  4. Recreation Demand for Great Lakes Beaches and Responses to Algae

    well-accomplished life, a student, a faculty member, a leader and a researcher at Ohio State, focused on price ... analysis and applied econometrics in his career. The yearly seminar named after him focuses on new research ...

  5. Roe and Irwin part of Maumee River watershed research team

    Brian Roe and Elena Irwin are among a number of researchers who will examine the connections ...

  6. Computer Labs and Services

    Library  - Reference and research computers. (Main Floor, Halterman Hall) Program Excel- Instructional ...

  7. Southgate named co-director of new OSU Subsurface Energy Resource Center

    Resource Center (SERC), an educational and research source for subsurface energy stakeholders. Doug ...

  8. European Commission Selects Alessandra Faggian as a Judge for the European Capital of Innovation 2014 Contest

    research and innovation and regional policies, the EU has been promoting smart and sustainable urban ... research framework program. Only cities with over 100,000 inhabitants with proposal initiatives that have ... be announced at the EU’s Innovation Convention in March 2014. Dr. Faggian’s research interests lie in ...

  9. NEWS: Ohio State ATI Announces New Director

    emerging e-learning instruction, research, service, engagement, marketing, student services and student ...

  10. Environmental Professional Network’s Public Breakfast Club

    Water Quality Issues: OSU Research and Agency Initiatives Guide Farmers’ Solutions” on Sept. 12. Details ...
