
Search results

  1. Buckeye Shepherd’s Symposium

    Nutrient Management, and Product Demand.” The event will be held Dec. 14 at the Ohio Agricultural Research ...

  2. Recently Published / Presented

    cattle. Genetics and Molecular Research 14(2):3026-35. Cray JA, Stevenson A, Ball P, Bankar SB, Eleutherio ... and others. 2015. INVITED REVIEW: Evolution of meat animal growth research during the past 50 years: ...

  3. Keith Smith: 'We are committed to make these positions successful'

    staff, work with grants, work on applied research areas, and perform and document impact evaluations. The ...

  4. In the News

    Bonanza Winners Named in OARDC Research Poster Competition OARDC News. Feat. Christopher Okonkwo and ...

  5. Endeavor Center and Small Business Development Center

    programs to help small businesses hire an export intern, conduct market research and improve export ...

  6. Dr. Arruda Research Opportunity

    Dr. Andréia Gonçalves Arruda is looking for a graduate student (MS degree) to work on a project related to the use of novel technologies for internal and external swine farm biosecurity. This student must have a Bachelor degree in Animal Science and/ or D ...

  7. OCARD receives award to host 2nd Aquaculture Boot Camp (ABC-2)

    Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development (OCARD) at the Ohio State University (OSU) South ...

  8. Building Great Partnerships

    visibility of educational and research programs both at the University of Rio Grande and The Ohio State ...

  9. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1960-1969

    Production Section 1926. Directed the dairy production research at Ohio Agricultural Experiment Station from ... 1911 to 1946. Published his first bulletin on Feeding Dairy Cows 1912. A practical diary researcher of ... Research and Development Center, USDA = United States Department of Agriculture, and VP = vice president.   ...

  10. A Super Time for Super Berries

    a few of them this year.  Our research team members have propagated a few elderberry plants.  We also ...
