
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-17

    bulletin that updates growers on the latest aphid research and information, including current thresholds, ... Midwestern states. The bulletin was written through cooperation with the North Central Soybean Research ... Program (NCSRP) which is a twelve-state coalition that invests checkoff dollars to research programs ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-41

    research, even with the labeled waiting period between application and planting for these rates.  Sharpen ... Practice Research Crawford County Court House 112 East Mansfield Street (Lower Level conference room) ... Farm that increased profitability in our research plots and what new questions were created. January 20 ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-25

    developing kernels, thereby lowering potential grain yield. Past research at the University of Illinois ... Research Farm located at 5105 County Home Rd. Greenville, Ohio (the farm is located at the southwest corner ... keeping. A tour of the research test-plots will follow, which includes: Soybean seed treatment plots, and ...

  4. Residual Herbicide Issues – were they applied, are they working, what to do

    assume that it is always possible to use an adjuvant once corn has emerged.- Based on our research with ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-26

    University researchers led by Dr. Aaron Gassmann has documented the first case of resistance to Bt by ... we have NOT had any indication of failure of this or any Bt-trait in Ohio). This research should ...

  6. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2006-15

    use of a Bt corn borer hybrid, either YieldGard Corn Borer, Herculex 1, or Agrisure CB. Our research ... set up a field day so we can see first-hand the research and the effects of various treatments. This ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-18

    was initially researched back in the mid 1970s. Researchers in Iowa showed that foliar application of ... actually be suppressed with a late application of foliar fertilizer. Research conducted in Minnesota in the ... meeting, Room 130 Research Services Bldg. OARDC, Wooster and the Van Wert County Extension Office. For ...

  8. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-14

    inputs are optimized – Avoid high-end range N rates on corn following soybean. OSU research has shown ... of a higher percentage of seedlings emerging. Past university research indicates that optimal plant ... of straight-to-the-point answers based on years of scab research. Q1: Which fungicide is the most ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-16

    research. The studies were performed at OARDC-OSU research farms in southwest, northwest, and northeast ... hybrid maturities on corn grain moisture at harvest (unpublished OSU research, 2009-2010)     Hybrid ... maturity. Penn State University researchers have reported yields of more than 20 tons/acre with mid-June ...

  10. Soil Drainage Research Unit 2017 Budget Meeting

    245 Tuesday, June 21, 2016 (All day) ...
