
Search results

  1. Arboretum North

    a walk and picnicking. The gardens include a diverse willow collection, a 3.5-acre research lake with ... holding site, Chadwick Arboretum was able to create a beautiful green reserve for research and enjoyment.  ... Collection (B) Donald Mayhew Memorial Grove (C) 3.5-acre Research Lake (D) Jones Memorial Grove (E) Prairie ...

  2. Dr. Jessica Pempek, PhD

    Dr. Jessica Pempek, PhD Research Animal Scientist USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit Animal ... Welfare Dr. Jess Pempek joined the USDA-ARS Livestock Behavior Research Unit as a Research Animal ... she earned her MSc and PhD degrees. Dr. Pempek continued in Postdoctoral (2 years) and Research ...

  3. CHAIRE Member Dr. Jess Pempek Leads Project to Improve Dairy Beef Calf Welfare

    Earlier this month, the final round of data collection was completed for a research project led by ...     Data collection for this project was a team effort, as Dr. Pempek, Zach England (Research Associate, ...

  4. Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center (OPGC)

    information, conduct germplasm-related research, and encourage the use of germplasm and associated information ... for research, crop improvement, and product development. The Ornamental Plant Germplasm Center (OPGC) ... associated information for conservation, and to enhance scientific research as well as the floriculture and ...

  5. National Garden Week

    garden plots that are used for teaching, growing food, and conducting research.  This event will also ...

  6. Lane Avenue Gardens

    Professor Emeritus Lewis C. Chadwick to serve both as a teaching and research laboratory for students of ... Avenue Gardens) Ecological Engineering Society Rain Garden (G) Phenology Research Garden (H) Cancer ...

  7. Undergraduate Research

    If you are a student interested in research in human-animal interactions, visit our members list ... Program, we offer a variety of research projects that meet the criteria for a STEP Signature Project in the ... category of Undergraduate Research. Students who have not participated in STEP are also welcome to inquire ...

  8. Nicole Lorig Passes PhD Candidacy Exam

    her primary PhD research study. Nicole's PhD work will provide valuable information to ...

  9. National Garden Week

    teaching, growing food, and conducting research.  This event will also feature a seed and plant giveaway, ...

  10. Willow Collection

    Kuzovkina-Eischen.  She began this research project to explore the adaptability of the Salix species to urban stress ... a superb view of the south end of the research pond, the willow collection is an enjoyable place to visit. ... Willow Research The following is an abstract from PhD student Yulia A. Kuzovkina-Eischen's 2003 ...
