
Search results

  1. Dr. Logan Minter

    Room 136 Research and Extension Bldg. The Ohio State University South Centers, Piketon ... biostatistics.He has taught undergraduate courses related to these subjects and mentored student research for over 10 ... years. Minter's past research has concerned pest management, pollination, and propagation of ...

  2. Internship Experiences in Entomology

    link theoretical classroom knowledge with practical field application or research experience in an ... ongoing research environment. Prereq: 3000 (500) or 4000 (500), and an additional Entmlgy course at the ...

  3. Undergraduate Research in Entomology

    ENTMLGY 4998 Undergraduate experience in entomological research in variable topics. Prereq: ...

  4. Entomology Seminar

    insight into current trends in entomological research. Prereq: Grad standing in Entmlgy. Repeatable to ...

  5. Research and Training Seminar

    ENTMLGY 8800 Presentation of procedures, resources, and faculty research in the Department of ...

  6. Pest Alert: Spotted Lanternfly

    invasive plant species is a fast grower that multiples through root sprouts and seeds. Researchers have ... tree fruit research entomologist and research associate professor; and Greg Krawczyk, extension tree ... fruit entomologist and research associate professor. This fact sheet was produced by Penn State ...

  7. Shin-Yi Marzano

    Shin-Yi Marzano USDA ARS Research Molecular Biologist and Adjunct Assistant Profesor ...   - Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  8. Seun Oladipupo

    endosymbionts for managing urban insects. His research has been highlighted by popular news outlets such as ... ESA’s blog, Entomology Today, and National Geographic. During his postdoctoral research at Yale ... do this, our research will focus on: investigating socioeconomic drivers of urban pest prevalence ...

  9. Entomology Seminar

    of guest speakers featuring renowned entomologists sharing their research and insights to further the ...

  10. Cucurbit Research Update and Pest Scouting Clinic

    Join us to tour research plots and hear updates from Extension specialists on a variety of topics ...
