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Eric Romich
Action Conduct applied research on renewable energy systems and peak-demand energy management in ... environment and increase awareness by providing educational outreach on applied research outcomes to inform ...
Jim Downs
Wildland Firefighter, Ohio Interagency Fire Center; research associate, The Ohio State University ...
Soil Stories- Dr. Jim Ippolito, Professor at The Ohio State University
steppe, grazed, burned, and metal-contaminated mined-land ecosystems. His research program connects the ...
Dan Remley
organizations promoting wellness and sustainability; find teaching and research opportunities that focus on ...
Elizabeth Hawkins
University Professional Background Research assistant, soybean breeding, Monsanto Co. Specialization/Focus ... Area Precision and data-driven agriculture, agronomic crop production, and on-farm research Plan of ... Action Conduct research to identify methods to increase farm profits including improved crop yields, ...
Aaron Wilson
liaison, USDA Midwest Climate Hub; research scientist, BPCRC, OSU; climate specialist, OSU Extension; ... senior research associate, BRCRC and OSU Extension; research associate II, Polar Meteorology Group, ... BPCRC, OSU; graduate research associate, educational outreach, BPCRC, OSU; graduate research associate, ...
Carol Smathers
Professional Background Research manager, Prevention Research Center, Ohio State College of Public Health; ...
Translating the vital role of insects for migratory birds
Research Park and as a graduate student is currently working with the Forest Bird and Landscape Ecology Lab ... Environment and Natural Resources to present a poster on her undergraduate research at the American ...
18th Annual Stinner Summit
gathers farmers, researchers, educators, policy leaders, and organizations together in a different ...
SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds
weather surveillance radar as a research tool to get unprecedented observations of birds migrating at ... night. I will highlight three aspects of my recent research using radar to quantify how nocturnally ... University of Southern Mississippi. He established his research lab, the Aeroecology Program, at the ...