
Search results

  1. Videos of the Cornish Lab

    Gardens and Dandelions: Innovative Research at OARDC (Speaker: Katrina Cornish) Rubber Dandelion: Closing ... (Speaker: Matt Kleinhenz)  Rain Gardens and Dandelions: Innovative Research at OARDC (Speaker: Katrina ...

  2. Committee meeting

    Our colleague, Aswathy Sasiharan Pillai, successfully presented her research topics during the ...

  3. Welcome Malwina and Konrad!

    sustainability. Currently, she is working on her PhD at West Pomeranian University in Szczecin. Her research ... student at the West Pomeranian University in Szczecin, focusing his research on polyesters and ... research related to the degradation of biopolymers. ...

  4. Chris Zoller

    management, dairy and livestock production, and agronomic and forage crop production. Chris conducts research ... facilities. He has researched and conducted analysis of farm production, evaluated variable seeding rates of ...

  5. 3D visualization of entropic elasticity on the molecular level

    Our research group have developed a software in MATLAB that calculates possible conformations of ...

  6. Garth Ruff

    research and teaching efforts include direct marketing of animal products, forage and field crop trials, ... matter focus and provide overall leadership for a comprehensive teaching and applied research program to ... relationships, and foster collaborations across the state, including with campus researchers, to complement what ...

  7. Herbert Quintero Fonseca

    Herbert will be responsible for developing an Extension and research program for the Ohio aquaculture ... industry. In this capacity, he also will provide support to research and Extension faculty, staff, students, ... research positions at the University of the Virgin Islands, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, ...

  8. Lake Erie Decision Makers Day

    afternoon will include important discussions about our college's work and research at Lake Erie, a tour ... Laboratory's Research Vessel the BioLab.  If you plan to join us, please RSVP to this email address ...

  9. Welcome Joanna!

    My research interest is focused on biodegradable polymers with the possible application in ... container system and industrial composting pile. The research include determination of chemical ...

  10. Meet Nina Kantor-Malujdy!

    research is focused on solvolysis of adipate-, succinate-, and furanoate-based products, using deep ...
