
Search results

  1. The OSU Viticultre Program is hiring

    have meaningful impacts in the viticulture communities in Ohio. The research technician will work ... ...

  2. Culley Emerson

    Culley Emerson Assistant Meat Lab Manager Animal Science Building- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper Policy brief Presentation Data ...

  3. New funding empowers climate and weather education

    A team of experts from  Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center  (BPCRC) and  Ohio State University ... weather and climate services with the Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center at The Ohio State University. ... outreach director, who are both with the Byrd Polar Climate Research Center (BPCRC);  Anne Baird, director, ...

  4. NIFA Invests $1.29M in Animal Nutrition and Growth Reseach at Ohio State

    Research Initiative (AFRI), with $1.29M allocated towards research within the Department of Animal Sciences ...

  5. Bat Walk at Chadwick Arboretum North

    researcher, naturalist, and OSU student Ayden Van Fossen will lead an hour-long walk around Chadwick Lake, ... past summer, he's been in Kentucky’s Red River Gorge researching Virginia big-eared bats ... research, and educating the public. The last 2 years, he was a part time naturalist at Highbanks Metro Park ...

  6. Dr. Benjamin Enger recognized with West Agro Inc. Award

    Beach, Florida. The West Agro Inc. Award was created to recognize outstanding research of milk quality as ... must have made meritorious scientific or technical contributions in research of one or more of the ... of Idaho, MS from Washington State University, and PhD from Virginia Tech. His research program ...

  7. Dr. Kirby Krogstad receives ADSA Midwest Scholar Award

    research accomplishments of recent PhD graduates or current PhD students from the ADSA Midwest Branch in ... health. His research focused on the effect of supplementing rumen-protected niacin to lactating dairy ...

  8. 2024-2025 ASGSA Officers

    student in Columbus working in the Ruminant Nutrition Lab with Dr. Jeff Firkins. My research revolves ... research is focusing on meat safety and quality, by comparing different antimicrobial treatments used in ... lamb processing. Outside of research, I am a big hobby gal. I am obsessed with music! I love finding ...

  9. July Upcoming Events at Chadwick Arboretum

    researcher, naturalist, and OSU student Ayden Van Fossen will lead an hour-long walk around Chadwick Lake, ...

  10. Fruit Maturity at the OSU Vineyard- 2018-2024

    Check out the weekly progression of fruit ripening of several varieties grown at our research ...
