
Search results

  1. SENR Seminar Series welcomes Dr. Tom DeSutter

    environmental and ecological challenges for industries, regulators, and landowners. Our research team ...

  2. Sumita Sen

    Sumita Sen PhD (Ortez) Wooster I’m anticipating graduating Autumn 2028! Research ... Focus: My PhD research work is focused on evaluating productivity and sustainability metrics in ... multi-crop systems using field scale research in Ohio. We are studying the effects of crop production ...

  3. SENR Seminar Series Lightning Talks

    practices within cropping systems. The objective of this research is to utilize the Soil Management ... the mechanisms driving this pattern, my central research question explores how tick load varies ... research will aid in filling a significant knowledge gap on how tick burdens impact nestlings and adults ...

  4. SENR welcomes new faculty

    Academic Programming Dr. Allison Rober. Dr. Rober, an aquatic microbial ecologist whose research is ... water quality and ecosystem function. Dr. Rober’s research contributes to an understanding of how ... leads the Microbial & Ecosystem Ecology Lab and whose research integrates microbiology and ecosystem ...

  5. Pork Prospect Event

    participation in this program in the past. They have reserved time at the Western Agricultural Research Station ...

  6. SENR Announcements, August 30

    assisting faculty in the development of various rural criminology research projects. A Meet and Mingle on ... Tuesday afternoon kicked off the SENR Seminar Serie s  with plans for a vibrant series including research ... Research: Biogeosciences, 129, e2024JG008107. Field Guide Natural ...

  7. Corn Sweat and Humidity: A Few Facts Explained

    thinking of how much water is associated with a crop like corn, researchers consider two components: water ... call this combined process evapotranspiration (ET). Some research conducted by USDA Agricultural ... Research Service suggests that corn can contribute between 3,500 and 5,000 gallons of water per acre to the ...

  8. SENR Seminar Series- Unraveling the impacts of anthropogenic hazards to nocturnally-migrating birds

    weather surveillance radar as a research tool to get unprecedented observations of birds migrating at ... night. I will highlight three aspects of my recent research using radar to quantify how nocturnally ... University of Southern Mississippi. He established his research lab, the Aeroecology Program, at the ...

  9. Hallie Stelzle

    undergrad, she worked as a research assistant in the OSU Socio-Environmental Networks and Sustainability ...

  10. SENR Career Ambassadors

    learning experiences such as internships, research, or jobs related to their degrees. Career Ambassadors ... with internship, research, and other career opportunities! Autumn 2024 Application Missed the deadline, ... following prompt: Tell us about a hands-on learning experience (such as an internship, research, or job ...
