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  1. Gwynne Conservation Area at Farm Science Review

    wetlands research, and honey bee habitat. We’ve even got a bat house and a butterfly garden! Our CFAES ...

  2. Organic Farmer Researcher Network Meeting

    Agenda Hirzel Farms Cover Crop Trial Update Connection Details Join Zoom Meeting Join by Phone Dial 1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) or 1 651 372 8299 (Minnesota) Meeting ID: 950 225 ...

  3. Organic Farmer Research Network Meeting

    Agenda National Organic Standards Board meeting highlights SARE Grant Summary / OEFFA Conference Workshop update  Connection Details Join Zoom Meeting Join by Phone Dial 1 301 715 85 ...

  4. Greenhouse Production

    Environment Agriculture Research Complex (CEARC) being built by the College of Food, Agricultural, and ... interdisciplinary research and innovation. This is a significant investment in the infrastructure at Waterman ... industry as a whole, educate the future researchers and growers needed to help the industry continue to ...

  5. Results from Organic Dairy Herd Health, Organic Corn Trials, and Vegetable Pathology Trials

    vegetable production variety trials specialty crops dairy soils research product trials field ...

  6. Food and Picnic Safety

    safety. Her research includes investigating and promoting food safety, reduction and prevention of food ... health.” The  Center for Foodborne Illness Research and Prevention at Ohio State "actively facilitates, ... encourages and conducts research that increases our knowledge about foodborne disease and/or leads to ...

  7. Honors

    interests them most. With the support of faculty, honors students conduct research and share their ... research proposal. The amount varies based on the quality of the research proposal. Honors ... the honors thesis and exam will graduate with honors research distinction in their major area of ...

  8. Thania N. Ortiz Santiago

    Santiago made the most of research opportunities. As a member of the Food S.U.R.E. program, she worked ... closely with faculty to develop and implement a research proposal. Having transferred from the University ... to research while taking a full course load. As she became more involved in the Food S.U.R.E. ...

  9. New Study Seeks to Document Organic Dairy Herd Health Practices

    dairy herd health management, and there is a lack of scientific research dedicated to herd health ... perspective. Our research project is intended to raise awareness and appreciation for dairy farmers’ ... community, veterinarians, and other herd health specialists. The core research questions of this project are: ...

  10. Shannon L. Dixon

    Dixon’s most valuable learning experience has come as a research assistant in Dr. Andréa Grottoli’s lab, ... impacts on coral reefs. In this role she gained experience writing research grants and had an opportunity ... successful defense of her undergraduate honors research thesis in her junior year offered Shannon her ...
