
Search results

  1. Dan Borrenpohl

    graduating Autumn 2027 Research Focus: In short, my research asks the question — can applying co-composted ... Cincinnati, OH. I've always been interested in integrated-crop livestock systems, and to do this research ...

  2. Maranda Berger

    Spring 2025 Research Focus: My research in the Turf Lab is inducing drought on Bentgrass and seeing how ... Buckeye community. Ohio State being the forefront of groundbreaking research is another reason for me to ...

  3. Lucas Dias Mendonca

    graduating Autumn 2025 Research Focus: My research project will be about planting date and weed control in ...

  4. Chee Gang Ngui

    Research Focus: I am working to understand quantitative resistance mechanisms for enhancing resistance to  ...

  5. CFAES News | 1.31.2024

    Columbus) Research shows that social connectedness can lead to longer life, better health, and improved ... implementation of a program, performance, exhibition, or initiative based upon previous research, assessment, or ... align with advancing access, engagement and inclusive excellence goals; or provide research ...

  6. Undergraduate Research

    Research. Explore. Discover. Student researchers are a valuable part of our department. ... Undergraduate students in HCS have a variety of opportunities to gain valuable hands-on research experience ... while learning new skills and techniques, which can be broadly applied across fields.   Research ...

  7. Tonima Rahman

    Tonima Rahman 166 Food Animal Health Research Building PI: Dr. J.C. ...

  8. Dr. Martha Belury

    Science and Technology Building 2015 Fyffe Road Dr. Belury’s research interests are investigating the ... Austin, 1992 BS, Nutrition, University of Texas, Austin, 1987 Research Interests Adult Development and ... cognitive health Research Summary Our lab is chiefly interested in selective metabolic modulators in the ...

  9. Dr. Andrea Gschwend

    Dr. Andrea Gschwend Assistant Professor- Genetics 70% Research | 30% Teaching ... University of Illinois, where she researched the evolution of sex chromosomes in papaya. Dr. Gschwend carried ... Research Service Award (NRSA) to investigate the role of newly evolved genes in the reproductive fitness of ...

  10. Andres Velasco

    Research Focus: My research aims to evaluate corn's physiological, yield, and economic responses to ... agricultural scientist, I have a strong commitment to do research and help with extension in advancing corn ... opportunity to learn about corn and alternative crops in Ohio and to understand research and extension ...
