Search results
Strawberries Objectives(s) of strawberry research and education: Strawberry field research ... production system. Previous research has identified a functional and profitable plasticulture strawberry ... explored and optimized to maximize grower financial returns. Planned Scope of Research: Strawberry ...
2020 a busy year for SWBR
Rafiq Islam SWBR Program Leader With our mission to develop and promote research, Extension, and ... in-person academic, research, and Extension activities, the SWBR program team members proactively utilized ... their time working from home to publish a total 14 research articles in high-impact factored ...
Proposal in Progress: An Overview
Growing an Organic Farm Research Network: A Framework to Better Connect Organic Producers with ... University-Based Researchers Quick Summary These are details from the pre-proposal submitted this fall for a SARE ... REsearch and Education grant proposal. Approach and other details can be changed based on partner ...
Routine work was not routine in 2020, or now
temperature appears to be routine work, but not in 2020. The Aquaculture Research Center at OSU South Centers ... that house around 40,000 research fish of multiple species in approximately 270 tanks and 15 ponds. ... research fish alive is a huge accomplishment in 2020. When almost everybody at South Centers works from ...
Watermelon and other melons
Watermelon and other melons Objectives(s) of watermelon and melon research and education: This ... research explores and identifies new fresh market watermelon and cantaloupe cultivar and variety releases ... Scope of Research: Crop performance evaluations were monitored and recorded relative to standard ...
fruit production research and extension in Ohio. Dr. Gary Gao is an extension specialist for fruit crops ... I conduct extension program and research projects on blueberries, brambles (blackberries and raspberries, ... Centers in Piketon. If and when schedules permit, Gao or Research Assistant Ryan Slaughter would be glad ...
Tomatoes Objectives(s) of Tomato Production Research and Education: This research explores and ... grape varieties. Research is also conducted on improving tomato production practices for their ... season to introduce this cropping system in Ohio. Planned Scope of Research: Tomato crop performance ...
'Tis the season for strawberries
over the holiday season? It may not take a Christmas miracle to make that a reality, say researchers at ... periods, like Thanksgiving and Christmas, is one of the objectives of a new Extension research trial being ... “Picking your own strawberries at Christmas IS possible in Ohio,” he concluded. This new research ...
Meeting Agenda December 10, 2020, 2-3:30 p.m.
research techniques, answering real on-farm questions, paid involvement, cover materials costs, building ... How useful and/or easy will it be to share "how-to" information on research practices? Are ... there specific research techniques do you feel are worth sharing? What ideas do you have to create ...
Soil Water & BioEnergy
Mission: To develop and promote research, extension and educational programs for agricultural ... and engineers with a diverse background, as well as a strong background in research and extension ... have 8 grant research projects on agriculture sustainability, climate change and mitigation, and ...