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    scientists, and researchers. Students explore careers, hear from Ohio 4-H alumni who share their career ...

  2. Trust Edge

    Outlook). The Trust Edge is built by global leader on trust, David Horsager, based in research by the ...

  3. Ohio State to lead research and development project to help greenhouse growers create optimal conditions, increase crops, and reduce waste

    Environmental Sciences (CFAES) is leading a research and development project to help greenhouse growers create ... stakeholders through professional learning opportunities for workforce development. CFAES will conduct research ... in the new, state-of-the-art Controlled Environment Agriculture Research Complex (CEARC), ...

  4. Tracing tomatoes’ health benefits to gut microbes

    microbes and altered gut bacteria toward a more favorable profile in young pigs, researchers found. After ... observing these results with a short-term intervention, the research team plans to progress to similar ... might be contributing to potential health outcomes.”  The research is published in the journal  ...

  5. Pandemic prep needs ‘smart surveillance’ to predict viral spillovers

    spillover from animals to humans, targeted preparedness and drug and vaccine research, and worldwide ... coronaviruses from deer to cattle was prescient: In 2021, Saif was part of an Ohio State research team that ... a global community and apply One Health practices for prevention and preparedness.”  The researchers from ...

  6. The Ohio State University chosen as research home for Starlab’s George Washington Carver Science Park Terrestrial Laboratory

    park devoted to space research.  Voyager Space   announced today it has selected a proposal  from the ... a replica of the Starlab space station science park and allows researchers to test missions and conduct ... sharing resources, research and knowledge across multiple disciplines." The research conducted at the ...

  7. OSU Extension to teach maple growers how to tap into business planning during Maple Days Dec. 9–10

    night. Proceeds will support education and research at The Ohio State University at Mansfield. Ohio Maple ... sessions will run Saturday, Dec. 10, from 9–4 p.m. and will include research talks, seminars, vendor ...

  8. Hartschuh named as field specialist, Dairy Management and Precision Livestock at Ohio State

    provide leadership for developing and implementing a comprehensive Extension and applied research agenda ... unbiased research and education in precision livestock farming, dairy market conditions and policy, dairy ... resources. During this time, he conducted many on-farm research projects, with his latest focus on ways to ...

  9. Researchers dig deep into the huge potential value of industrial food waste

    Starch-heavy foods such as popcorn and old pizza can be used to make bioplastics and high fiber wastes like tomato peels and eggshells are excellent fillers for tires and other rubber products.  Click here to learn more. ...

  10. 2022 Ohio Maple Days

    research updates on red maple, and maple flavors.  An ACER grant update, a look at the insects every maple ...
