
Search results

  1. Land O'Lakes Calf Milk Research

    The Calf Milk Research unit at Land O'Lakes just opened a position for an assistant manager! ...

  2. Alvaro Garcia Guerra

    bulls. Canadian Journal of Veterinary Research, 80:23-26. R.J. Mapletoft, A. García Guerra, F.C.F. Dias, ... Campylobacter fetus subsp venerealis in preputial samples from bulls. American Journal of Veterinary Research ... without transport medium. American Journal of Veterinary Research, 74: 1066-1069. A. Garcia Guerra, S. ...

  3. FST Special Edition Newsletter – 2023 Autumn Semester Graduation

    Science and Technology] Celeste Miller- Some of my favorite memories are: working in the research lab with ... part of a patent, and presenting research; going to football games; and attending college events. ... compelling research, partnering with the Know Food Waste club, and experiencing scientific conferences while ...

  4. December 2023 Department Highlights

    a USDA NIFA research project. The Food Industries Center trained FDA, NOAA, U.S. Army, and state ...

  5. MS Student Research Position

    Are you a MS student interested in nutrition research? Dr. Enger is seeking to fill a MS student ...

  6. A Brief History of Extension

    educational function of land-grant universities needs to be supplemented with research capabilities. The Hatch ... Act was passed in 1887 to establish research farms where universities could conduct research into ...

  7. November 2023 Highlights

    accomplishments and potential of graduate students entering the final phase of their dissertation research or ... terminal degree project.  Danielle’s research investigates how pyranoanthocyanins, wine-inspired pigments, ... published an article about the research taking place in Dr. Jessica Cooperstone ’s lab. Dr. Jiyoung Lee ...

  8. Graduate Student Resources

    Handbook New Student To-Do Check List Committee Approval Form Research Proposal and Plan of Study Form ... Please submit a copy of your research proposal and plan of study to the Program Coordinator. Graduate ...

  9. Talita Resende, DVM, MS, PhD

    lecturer for veterinary anatomy at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais. My research has been developed ... applied research, such as development of diagnostic tools for endemic and emerging swine infectious ...

  10. Register Now for the January 4-5 Ohio State Organic Grains Conference

    Research (OFFER) program. Continuing education credits will be available for Certified Crop Advisors ...
