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Cultural Connections: Spain
Carla Román is a visiting scholar from Spain conducting her research advised by Dr. Erdal Ozkan ... collaborating closely with Dr. Hongyoung Jeon and Dr. Heping Zhu of the USDA’s Application Technology Research ... reduction. Currently, the main focus of her research is the variable rate application of pesticides through ...
Student Fellowship Opportunity at Kansas State
Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI) at Kansas State University are accepting applications for up to ten ... laboratory at the Biosecurity Research Institute (BRI), - conducting assays and procedures commonly ... used in a diagnostic laboratory,- common procedures used in a high containment large animal research ...
Herbert Quintero Fonseca
Herbert will be responsible for developing an Extension and research program for the Ohio aquaculture ... industry. In this capacity, he also will provide support to research and Extension faculty, staff, students, ... research positions at the University of the Virgin Islands, University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, ...
Anastasia Vlasova, DVM, Ph.D.
Anastasia Vlasova, DVM, Ph.D. Associate Professor FTE: 90% Research, 10% Extension ... Animal Models Enteroids Epidemiology Research Focus: My research is focused on the pathogenesis, ... lab conducts research to understand the role of pre-existing antibodies against human CoVs associated ...
Scott Kenney, PhD
Scott Kenney, PhD Associate Professor FTE: 25% Extension, 75% Research (330) ... Porcine Diseases Reverse Genetic Systems Zoonosis Center for Food Animal Health View Publications Research ... Focus: The focus of my research program is molecular virology of emerging viruses with specific emphasis ...
Our Faculty and Staff in the News
management, and research.He gives leadership to the A DAY in the WOODS program, an outreach effort for ... Logan will provide overall leadership for a comprehensive outreach, applied research, and teaching ... with specialty crops, both from a farming and research perspective. “He will collaborate with peers, ...
Victor A. Absalon-Medina
Victor A. Absalon-Medina Adjunct Professor- Director of Research and Manager, ST Genetics The Ohio ...
Dr. Ali Nazmi
composting temperatures. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research. 30,100096. ... temperatures. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 28:307-317. Nazmi, ... trained in various research areas including genetics, immunology, microbiology, and host-pathogen ...
Daral J. Jackwood, PhD
Bursal Disease Virus Research Focus: Our lab is committed to improving the health of poultry through ... research on the prevention, control and diagnosis of infectious bursal disease (IBD). This disease was ... infections. It affects nearly all poultry producing regions around the world. Research focused on improved ...
Dr. Benjamin M. Bohrer
University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada. Research Interests: The Bohrer research group focuses on several ... research themes within the meat science and muscle biology discipline. Current and past research themes ... Evaluation of value-added protein foods Dr. Bohrer enjoys the opportunity to collaborate with other research ...