
Search results

  1. Nicole Lorig, M.S.

    a research project investigating a potential reduction in aggression after preconditioning with classical ... music prior moving them to group housing. After completing this research and seeing the research ... behavior aspect of my research is what sparked my attention, so I decided to pursue a master’s degree in ...

  2. Welfare & Behavior

    many levels allows for the development and refinement of programs. Research of animal behavior ties ...

  3. Home

    The Center for Human-Animal Interactions Research and Education (CHAIRE) is committed to expanding ...

  4. 2017 CFAES Price Chair in Teaching, Learning, and Advising Symposium

    came- What exactly did they do? A look at what research is uncovering from student use of ... Research and Graduate Education Dr. Warren Flood, Senior Manager, CFAES Academic Programs Office for ... build it- They came- What exactly did they do? A look at what research is uncovering from student use of ...

  5. CHAIRE Virtual Research Symposium

    We are excited to announce that we have decided to hold our Inaugural Research Symposium ... all of our hard working researchers to present their research virtually. Below find a document that ... look forward to providing more opportunities for research, education, and outreach in the future. If ...

  6. Conservation

    reach millions of people to inform them about conservation issues. Research with animals in professional ...

  7. Food Science and Technology

    Burgwald Memorial Fund.  Income funds research and scholarships in the Department of Dairy Technology. ... research and other purposes in food science. Food Science & Technology Scholarship Fund.  Supports ... and Technology who are involved in researching food science or nutritional biochemistry, especially ...

  8. Plant Pathology

    Educational Fund.  Income assists a junior or senior student researching a greenhouse vegetable production ... a distinguished scholar and researcher in the field of plant protection. Scholarships for undergraduate students ...

  9. Sustainability of Collection of Marine Species Using Ecosystem Health Assessments

    sustainability assessments of their populations. CHAIRE is excited to support this project to help the research ... team achieve their research objectives over the next three years. Stay tuned for more updates on this ...

  10. Madeline Winans, M.S.

    Science in the Department of Animal Sciences at OSU. Madeline’s master’s research focused on evaluating ...
