
Search results

  1. Project to address sustainable algal management of medium-sized lakes

    counties.    Principal Investigators on the newly funded grant include: Zuzana Bohrerova, Research Specialist ...

  2. Autumn 2015 SENR Seminar

    intervention design and note some opportunities for future research. The SENR Seminar begins at 4:10 p.m in 103 ...

  3. Honors Research Proposal Presentations

    Students will present their  Honors Research Proposals starting at 4:10 p.m. in room 333 Kottman ...

  4. 2012 Honors Research Proposals

    Honors Research Proposal Titles for the 2012 academic year: “Barriers to Personal Fruit or ... Substrates" "Interdisciplinary Collaboration in Coupled Human and Natural Systems Research ...

  5. Faculty member reflects on Cardinal's Ohio State Visit

    Climate Research Center. That evening, he presented to a crowd of nearly 2,000 at Mershon Center on the ...

  6. SENR Offers Engaging Programs During May Session and Summer

    Breakfast is sponsored by the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium with support from OSU’s Byrd Polar Research Center. ...

  7. Climate Change, Resilience, and Adaptation in Bangladesh

    Institute for Population Research, the Environmental Policy Initiative, the Global Water Institute, and the ...

  8. TWEL Linnea Rowse Thesis

    relationship, in rural landscapes. Unlike previous research, mercury concentrations in aquatic insects were not ... further examined as sublethal effects of mercury contamination in birds.   As a whole, my research ... research suggests that pathways for contaminant flux from aquatic to terrestrial systems are complex and do ...

  9. Natural and Unnatural Disasters: 3/11, 9/11, Asbestos, and the Unmaking of Japan's Modern World

    Walker’s research expertise is on early modern and modern Japan as well as comparative world history. His ... been awarded many research grants from funding agencies that include the U.S. National Science ...

  10. Graduate Defense Seminar

    scenarios. Research suggests that repeated application causes a change in soil microbial ecology which may ... and emerging research suggest that long-term glyphosate usage is having cumulative non-target effects ... on soils and crop productivity. Limited short-term research suggests that glyphosate application ...
