
Search results

  1. New book, backed by citizen science, shows state of birds in Ohio

    Atlas of Breeding Birds in Ohio, which was developed and edited in part by researchers with ties to ... School of Environment and Natural Resources. It’s been a boon, too, to research, he said. “Data generated ... complex relationships between species distributions and land use,” he said. Researchers in the school also ...

  2. Health and Wellness

    reduce the illnesses and frailties that eventually require medical care. In addition, research can ...

  3. OARDC’s Linda Saif is first woman to win prestigious Wolf Prize in Agriculture

    A Distinguished University Professor in the Food Animal Health Research Program, Saif is the first woman and the ... conducting meaningful research that benefits agriculture as well as human health and well-being,” said Bruce ... Environmental Sciences. “This prestigious award is a testament to the world-class research we do at Ohio State.” ...

  4. About us

    the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture. OARDC is the research ... Contact him at CFAES provides research and related educational programs to clientele on ...

  5. September-October 2014

    Welcome to the latest issue of OARDC Report, the newsletter of the  Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center. OARDC is the research arm of the  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  6. Ohio’s got hops — thanks to OARDC scientists

    manufacturing. And thanks to OARDC’s ramped-up research on the crop, they’ve returned to Ohio after a 100-year ... brewers need about 6,000 acres’ worth of hops. “After significant research and attending numerous ... research and input, the economic potential for Ohio hops is huge.” To contact the scientist: Brad Bergefurd ...

  7. The best way to learn about water: For students at wetland, the answer is get right into it

    Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park during autumn semester 2014, part of a plan to increasingly ... important.” Video: SENR graduate student Alayna Dorobek talks about her research at the Olentangy River ... Wetland Research Park. (CFAES Communications.) “I know from experience that that is the best way to learn ...

  8. Water Quality

    algal blooms plaguing Lake Erie and other bodies of water in recent years. Researchers at The Ohio State ...

  9. July-August 2014

    Welcome to the latest issue of OARDC Report, the newsletter of the  Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center. OARDC is the research arm of the  College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ...

  10. Research on link between health and nature will grow in new OARDC garden

    and research value. Dedicated in September, the Lemmon and Rice Health and Wellness Garden was ... designed to boost visitors’ sense of well-being and to provide opportunities for research on the impact of ... future research projects. The garden focuses on six of nine pillars of wellness: environmental, physical, ...
