
Search results

  1. Students present sustainability projects at EPN Breakfast

    Nine student research teams from The Ohio State University presented their projects at the April ...

  2. Wildlife and Fisheries Links

    threatened species/habitats; climate change mitigation; funding for wildlife-oriented research; assistance to ... migratory birds, provides funding for national and international conservation-oriented research; manages ... is to conduct research and monitoring on freshwater, terrestrial, and marine ecosystems and the fish ...

  3. Soil Health and Active Organic Matter

    Research has shown active carbon to be very sensitive to management changes (cover crops, tillage, ...

  4. Outdoor Recreation and Parks Links

    and Parks Association (advocacy, professional development, research; careers; environmental ... Sports Association (resource for professional/student development; education; research in college ...

  5. Steve Culman Publications

    Research & Education 156: 48–55. Hankinson, M. W., Lindsey, L.E., Culman, S.W. 2015. “Effect of ...

  6. Materials Management Links

    programs; research/emerging concepts and technologies associated with resource conservation, materials ... (collaborative partnership of government agencies at all levels, educational/research institutions, ...

  7. Water Resources, Supplies, and Infrastructure Links

    prevention/control, research and performance, science and technology, water infrastructure, what you can do; find your ... quality and watershed programs and funding) National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (info/research ... research and management of Ohio’s lakes, private and public; education/technical assistance, collection/ ...

  8. Forestry and Woodlands Links

    education/training, networking, research, promotion) Society of Municipal Arborists  (supports professionals dedicated ...

  9. Soils and Geology Links

    faculty working on research/outreach programs supporting National Cooperative Soil Survey) Agencies and ... environmental research and development for many sources through partnerships, grants, information sharing, etc.) ...

  10. Social Aspects of Resource Management Links

    Environment & Society Portal is a nonprofit education and research project that aims to make environmental ...
