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Fridge Study Reveals American Buying, Storing, and Consuming Trends During COVID-19
often. A group of researchers with the Ohio State Food Waste Collaborative recently surveyed 500 people ... body of research on food waste shows reducing food waste also calls for consumers to adapt strategies ... uploaded information and measurements of the tossed food so the researchers could ascertain how much food ...
Are the USDA forecasts rational?
“rationality” of two major series of USDA forecasts, the farm income forecasts released by the Economic Research ... rational,” Katchova said. This novel framework provides a new direction to similar lines of research on ... prior research. Their study tells the story of “why” the USDA forecasters produce biased forecasts. ...
Alumni Spotlight
I learned researching trade flows, the impact of non- tariff barriers and how product is directly moved in ... modeling skills, researched livestock supply and demand, and forecasted for agricultural outlook. I even ... extra workload so you get the opportunity to work on a paper or research project with a faculty member. ...
Research Program
Research Program for Farm Income Enhancement Program The Farm Income Enhancement Program, led by ... Ani Katchova, conducts research and outreach related to agricultural economics issues aiming to ... enhance farm income and promote long-term stability for farm businesses. Areas of research include ...
Does Quarantine Stockpiling Lead to Future Food Waste?
Perspectives & Policy’s special issue on COVID-19, researchers say in July 2020, more than a quarter of ... research, teaching, and outreach activities in the areas of agriculture, the environment, food, health, and ...
Elena Irwin honored as Food Systems Leadership Institute Fellow
faculty director of the Sustainability Institute at Ohio State. Her current research includes coupled ...
Smartphone app reveals patterns in how people choose and eat leftovers
future consumption. The researchers analyzed data from 18 people living in or near Baton Rouge, ... understanding of leftover behaviors in the U.S. Future research could help confirm and expand on these findings. ...
Dairy Economists Offer New Farm Bill Dairy Safety Net Alternative
Extension and the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center (OARDC). OSU Extension and OARDC are ... the statewide outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college. Thraen spoke Nov. 25 during the ... with dairy researchers at the University of Wisconsin, the University of Minnesota, and Michigan State ...
SWACO partnering with The Ohio State University and City of Upper Arlington to study's food waste campaign's impact
Arlington on this grant project. OSU’s research team will develop and conduct resident surveys between ... Research Lead. The City of Upper Arlington offers residents a composting program for food scraps and is ...
CFAES Community Saddened by Sudden Passing of Graduate Sarah Grossman
undertaking research on multiple topics. All who worked with her are enriched by those interactions and ... equally crushed by her death." The following is a 2019 story highlighting their research. Students ... research literature. “Ours is the only study that has asked about direct payments to communities,” says ...