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  1. Grievance procedures

    Associate Dean for Research and Graduate Education, Dean), and finally the Graduate School ...

  2. OHCEAC Tours the HORTECA Research Center

    toured the HORTECA Research Center  located in Kingsville, Ontario, Canada. The two-acre research center ... is a collaboration between Jem Farms and Ecoation  that allows researchers to simulate ... commercial growing conditions for further research and development of agriculture technologies and practices.       ...

  3. Understanding barriers to conservation

    Research shows that Ohio farmers and those across the eastern Corn Belt and Great Lakes region ... more likely to have conservation practices in place.”  Wilson’s research suggests that values and ...

  4. Why get a graduate degree?

    a wealth of opportunities for your career. For those who are interested in research, a graduate degree can ... give you the experience it takes to become an established researcher in your area. If you are ...

  5. The real tale of a real Christmas tree

    doesn't support it. In fact, research has shown that some substances actually harm the tree and cause ...

  6. CFAES students can access Trimble Technology Labs in Columbus and Wooster

    teaching, research, and outreach activities in food and agricultural engineering, construction management, ... land-grant mission of Ohio State by placing state-of-the-arts geospatial tools in the hands of researchers ... educational leader in producing innovative research and top-level graduates in agriculture and construction. ...

  7. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    April F. White, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  8. Wilkins named a top Ohio leader

    director for OSU Extension, spearheading its mission of bringing research-backed information from the ... education, community engagement, and mentoring the next generation of employees. Her research interests ... than $6.5 million in local, state, and federal funding to conduct research and provide prevention ...

  9. Ippolito appointed as the Dr. Rattan Lal Endowed Professor at Ohio State

    has held various academic and research positions, including his most recent role as a Professor ... as a research soil scientist for the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service ... (USDA-ARS). Ippolito’s research interests encompass soil health, soil fertility, agroecosystems, heavy metals ...

  10. Ohio State Agronomic Crops Team helps growers deal with problem beans

    concerns—because of the many years the team has spent sharing research and building relationships with growers ... questions and offer farmers expert recommendations based on research and scientific methods.” To learn more, ...
