
Search results

  1. Ecological restoration research presented at meeting

    School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) faculty and staff presented their research at ... OH Posters with SENR members include: Proposed research: a comparison of plant communities in intact ...

  2. Cover Crops in the Garden

    year’s crop. The amount added depends on the species and amount of biomass accumulated. Research ... Research has shown that lettuce emergence drops to 50% when planted in cereal rye that is 50 days old at ...

  3. Graduate Exit Seminar- Jai Tiarks

    are affected and how some species might cope with these changes. My dissertation research addresses ... impact on fish coloration and behavior. Taken together, the research in this dissertation highlights the ...

  4. SENR Seminar Series- Research and Experiences in Water Management and Planning

    present  Research and Experiences in Water Management and Planning  on Thursday, April 18, starting at 4:10 ...

  5. Salmonella in Fresh Produce

    K, Tauxe R. Human Pathogens on Plants: Designing a Multidisciplinary Strategy for Research ...

  6. Utilizing Secondary Data for Business Retention and Expansion Planning and Reporting

    objective because it is usually collected with the purpose of addressing a particular research problem or ... Andreas Breitling, Pixabay. Secondary data is information which a researcher has not collected or created ... data resources: General population research can be conducted through the U.S. Census Bureau’s Decennial ...

  7. Healthy Cooking for One or Two

    researchers found that frequent cooking at home leads to consuming fewer calories both at home and when eating ...

  8. Where to Have Your Water Tested

    Biological Engineering and Water Quality Specialist Jamie Bradbury, Research Assistant Food, Agricultural and ... Tests SENECA COUNTY National Center for Water Quality Research, Heidelberg University, 310 E. Market ... research projects. Trace Metals [12] Mercury Hardness Aluminum Calcium  Iron Magnesium Manganese  Silicon ...

  9. Congress draws Arachnologists from all over the world

    Research ...

  10. Chestnut Anthracnose

    PLPATH-FRU-0051 Agriculture and Natural Resources 10/27/2022 Amy Miller, Graduate Research ...
