
Search results

  1. Narrow row corn- should we vary other management factors too?

    limited. To address this issue, researchers from the Ohio State University conducted a series of trials to ...

  2. Rural and Environmental Sociology

    research and develop sociological theory and knowledge relevant to public policy and local development ... domestically and internationally. Our research, extension, and teaching focuses on social and economic ...

  3. Soil scientists gather in Phoenix to share scientific research

    Soil science research conducted by faculty, staff and graduate students in the School of ... research and participate in technical workshops and professional tours.   Presentations with School of ... and peanut production in Senegal, West Africa. Specifically, his research focuses on their ability to ...

  4. SENR faculty member awarded HABRI funding

    statewide Harmful Algal Bloom Research Initiative (HABRI),  which seeks solutions for harmful algal blooms ... research award winners for HABRI.  Learn more about the research funded >> Yanlan Liu Faculty Faculty ... News Faculty Research HABRI ...

  5. Gift cements collaborative alliance in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology

    research and educational opportunities in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology. The gift establishes ... research, education, and training of future professionals, community outreach, and the development and ... history of training wetlands and waterfowl professionals through research and education programs, and both ...

  6. Graduate Exit Seminar- Azmiri Jalil

    researchers have recommended farmer-led peer learning as an alternative to traditional outreach programs. In ... conservation. Using data from the western Lake Erie basin, this research explores the unique advantages of this ...

  7. Ecological restoration research presented at meeting

    School of Environment and Natural Resources (SENR) faculty and staff presented their research at ... OH Posters with SENR members include: Proposed research: a comparison of plant communities in intact ...

  8. Graduate Exit Seminar- Charlotte Solomon

    and labor when testing for SH. Furthermore, there is limited research on the ability of ...

  9. Spring 2024 Weather & Soil Conditions: Update 1

    (CFAES) Agricultural Research Stations located throughout the state. Following yet another warm winter ... complete weather records for CFAES research stations, including temperature, precipitation, growing degree ...

  10. Graduate Exit Seminar- Jai Tiarks

    are affected and how some species might cope with these changes. My dissertation research addresses ... impact on fish coloration and behavior. Taken together, the research in this dissertation highlights the ...
