
Search results

  1. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2010-05, then click on Season Prediction UPDATE to see the temperature and precipitation models for March ... Research at Ohio State University has shown that N may be applied to wheat as late as Feekes 6 (early stem ... growing season), and more published research than not suggests that we manage glyphosate tolerant and ...

  2. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2004-01

    glyphosate, and decreased sensitivity is influenced by size or age of the plants. In greenhouse research last ... common in Ohio. We conducted field research in Roundup Ready soybeans at four sites in 2003. One of these ... lambsquarters populations was among the least sensitive to glyphosate in the greenhouse research, while the ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-22

    expected in this pattern but most places will fall in the ranges given. Research: Our research shows ... rates may be characterized by two phases. Purdue research indicates that from VE to V10 (ten leaf ... yield within a field of normal emerging corn. Such research has usually involved delaying the planting ...

  4. Corn, Soybean and Wheat Connection Webinar Programs

    OSUE   What is the latest research on Ear Molds and Mycotoxins? Dr. Pierce Paul, Extension ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-02

    (lower stem) is damaged.    What we did last summer Anne Dorrance, Clifton Martin, Research Associate ... evaluated 108 different treatments at the Phytophthora field at OARDC Northwest Research Station.  This ... Research Center on:  “Global Climate Change: Glaciers, Agriculture and People”.  Also Jeff Rodgers, Ohio ...

  6. Predicting leaf development in corn using accumulated heat units

    characterized by two phases. Purdue University research indicates that from VE to V10 (ten leaf collars), leaf ...

  7. Rethinking Gramoxone at a Reduced Price

    has activity on marestail. In our soybean research, Gramoxone alone rarely was adequate on marestail ...

  8. Large Variation in Forage Grass Performance in 2014

    the differences we observed in 2014 in side-by-side forage grass trials at the Western Research ... Station of the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center near South Charleston, OH. We tested four ...

  9. Yes, this is a repeat: Temperatures are still cool

    2.5 inches, from April 20 and on May 4: County                 Research Branch              ...

  10. CFAES announces new Moser Scholars Program

    researchers and educators, the Moser Scholars Program will present unique opportunities to educate and train ...
