
Search results

  1. Yes, this is a repeat: Temperatures are still cool

    2.5 inches, from April 20 and on May 4: County                 Research Branch              ...

  2. CFAES announces new Moser Scholars Program

    researchers and educators, the Moser Scholars Program will present unique opportunities to educate and train ...

  3. How You Can Help the Sun Make Hay When It Shines!

    Research studies and experience have proven that drying forage in wide swaths can significantly speed up ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2013-28

    How many races? I read that preliminary research Identified more than a dozen different Fusarium ... in the Dept. of Plant Pathology has done an enormous amount of research on this compound. The link ... Farming Education Research program, scientists will discuss results and seek comments for future ...

  5. Farmer Led Water Quality Monitoring-Initial Results and Request for Participants

    help with a water monitoring research project looking at Dissolved Reactive Phosphorus (DRP) losses ...

  6. Insect Concerns for Late Planting

    doing research to find new solutions for its control.  Soybean: As much soybean hasn’t been planted, ...

  7. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2008-25

    are just two of the many research findings over the past few years. Thus, it is highly likely that for ... symptoms during different growth periods. The following summarizes findings of Iowa research by Claassen ... poor conditions, genetic differences in variety, or other damage. Extensive research has shown that ...

  8. 'The Science of Chocolate' and more: 4-H Science Saturdays start soon

    with university students, faculty, and researchers from across campus as they learn. Previous 4-H ...

  9. Last Call- Participate in Soybean Yield-Limiting Research This Week

    Detailed project description: With funding from the Ohio Soybean Council and North Central Soybean Research ...

  10. Be Patient with Wet Hay Fields

    stands with full growth present during periods of soil saturation. Research conducted in Wooster, OH by ...
