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  1. Ohio State Aquaculture Research Program Offers Fish Farmers Online Instructional Videos

    the Ohio Center for Aquaculture Research and Development at Ohio State University South Centers as ...

  2. Wayne Co. Heart Walk, Wooster

    of research dollars for cardiovascular disease and stroke. Information: ...

  3. Can We Stop Amphibian Apocalypse? April 9 Talk at Ohio State

    Network breakfast program at The Ohio State University. Joe Mendelson, Zoo Atlanta’s research director, ...

  4. Honors Graduation Student Breakfast

    individuals who are graduating with Honors with Research Distinction, Latin Honors, and Research Distinction. ...

  5. 4-H Helps Teen Transcend Learning Disability, Provides Beeline for Successful Future

    beekeepers. “I’ve had some great mentors, and I’ve met some beekeepers and researchers who have taken me under ... his first two years of college, to work with noted bee researcher Reed Johnson. Then he’d like to ...

  6. Ohio Pesticide Safety Education Program Offers Recertification Credits

    and business growth in Ohio, she said. “Applicators will receive the most up-to-date, research ...

  7. Ohio State Weed Specialist: Preventing the Spread of Costly Herbicide-Resistant Weed Calls for Zero Tolerance

    according to a researcher from Ohio State University’s College of Food, Agricultural, and Environmental ... state, according to new research, Loux said. The concern is that this weed could become a significant ...

  8. Low Tunnel/High Tunnel Workshop and Farm Tour is April 24

    said. “We are fortunate to have Matt Kleinhenz here to lead the technical instruction as he has research ...

  9. Spotted Wing Drosophila Impacts Berry Crops

    managing this pest,” said Welty, who also has an appointment with the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center. OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college. ...

  10. Environmental Film Series Starts Oct. 20

    associate professor with Ohio State’s Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. Nov. 3, “ Plains ” and ...
