
Search results

  1. Faculty member's book explores bratwurst, buckeyes and more

    American cultural studies from Bowling Green State University in Bowling Green, Ohio. Crook researches and ...

  2. Letter from the Director

    Research and Development Center (OARDC). There has been an integration of the campus operations component ... facilities that would accommodate both OARDC research and Ohio State ATI teaching activities in the same ...

  3. Control of Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD or Pneumonia)

    respiratory disease outbreaks, yet controlled research to measure the effect of weather on BRD is practically ...

  4. 2014 National Agri-Marketing Association (NAMA) Conference from a Student's Perspective

    development group, students hone their skills in market research, business writing, and public speaking. The ...

  5. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Mr. Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences, The Ohio State ...

  6. Communiqué February 13, 2013

    provides an opportunity for us to showcase impacts of Extension and research programs to members of the ... Faculty shall also provide a Research in View dossier report for review by the Promotion & ... Educators shall also provide a Research in View dossier report for review by the Administrative & ...

  7. Dr. Brian Roe Named 2012-2013 Outstanding Professor at AEDE Banquet; Undergrads Peterson, Hay, Reinhart and White Receive Student Awards

    participation in this professional development group students build skills in marketing research, business ...

  8. Program

    Disparities in Economic Well-being and Their Significance for Research and Policy  Swank Guest Speaker: Neil ...

  9. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    Alex Tebbe, Graduate Research Associate, Department of Animal Sciences,The Ohio State University ...

  10. New School Year: Think Big with Career in Food, Ag, Environmental Sciences

    opportunities for interaction with faculty, substantial student support, meaningful undergraduate research, and ...
