
Search results

  1. The Current State of the Florida Everglades Ecosystem and its Ongoing Restoration

    quality by human activities over past decades. My research has focused on the Everglades landscape and has ...

  2. Denman Forum Registration Opens

    more than 500 students who have carried out substantial independent research, and is open to all OSU ...

  3. Autumn 2015 SENR Seminar

    implications of value shift in light of the environmental challenges we face? Overall, my program of research ...

  4. Fish & Wildlife Society Spring Cookout

    Wetland Research Park located at 352 W Dodridge and enjoy some good food as we grill out.         ...

  5. Ecosystem Services and Natural Capital: Are They Assets or Liabilities?

    focuses on stimulating and focusing systematic collaboration in environmental policy through research ...

  6. Conference to Help Ohio's Cities Manage Urban Wildlife

    Gehrt, a CFAES wildlife scientist who’s done groundbreaking research on Chicago’s urban coyotes. He’s ...

  7. 2014 Environmental Science Student Symposium

    posters presented by OSU undergraduates. Each poster describes research in a particular area of ...

  8. Engineers for a Sustainable World

    research, environment, and innovation, starts Friday, October 10th, with a tour of Howlett Hall and its ...

  9. Regional Fire Science Consortia Webinar

    Potential Impact on Forest Fire Behavior, presented by W. Matt Jolly, PhD (Research Ecologist with USFS, ...

  10. Native Tree Giveaway and Arbor Day Ceremony in Wooster

    USA-Arbor Day tree planting ceremony near the Research Services Building at 3:00 p.m.       ...
