
Search results

  1. Dick_R Influence of Long-term Use of Glyphosate

    Potassium   Funding Agency: Ag Spectrum and Ohio Soybean Council    Postdoctoral Researcher: Dr. Nicola ... research suggest that long-term glyphosate usage is having cumulative and non-target effects on soils and ... crop productivity. In recent years there has been research confirmation of Mn deficiency in glyphosate ...

  2. From Deer to Bats to Cats, Conference to Focus on Managing Wildlife Conflicts

    may spread diseases such as toxoplasmasis, have been shown by  research  to hurt songbird and other ...

  3. Professor Lal receives honorary degree from Technical University of Dresden

    university honors one of the world’s most famous and globally engaged soil scientists. His research topics ...

  4. Honors Research Proposal Presentations

    Students will present their Honors Research Proposals starting at 4:10 p.m. in room 333 Kottman ...

  5. The Esophageal Feeder

    colostrum because recent research has proven a full dose administered all at once is much better than two ...

  6. Changes in Forest Composition of an Urban Bottomland Forest due to Anthropogenic Influences

    Anthropogenic Influences. Faculty Advisor:  Roger Williams Description of research: Next to the OSU Wetland ...

  7. COSI Sustainability Series: More Than Honey

    supply relies on honey bees for pollination;  More Than Honey  features researchers and scientists ...

  8. Leslie Rieck's Doctoral Scholarly Seminar

    streams and their adjacent terrestrial zones, although this is a new avenue of research. In this seminar, ...

  9. Hexion Inc.

    marketing policy. A lot of my time, I spent online researching, for example, marketing guidelines for other ...

  10. Visit by USDA Acting Deputy Secretary

    Scuse, made a visit to the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park. Accompanied by ... Natural Resources, Scuse was given a tour of the research park and its' facilities. Several members ...
