
Search results

  1. Ohio’s Forests- Celebrating a Rich History; Planning for Emerging Threats

    underpin our well-being.  Research, teaching, and outreach at Ohio State University have helped nurture ... Environment and Natural Resources and Landscape Change Research Group, USDA Forest Service   Bus to Building ...

  2. FAHRP Research News

    FAHRP researchers have found evidence that early exposure to farm animals could lead to robust ...

  3. Best Boss Ever

    self-restraint enough to keep from meddling with them while they do it.”- Theodore Roosevelt Research indicates ...

  4. Congratulations to Gary L. Closs!

    The Edward F. Hayes Graduate Research Forum showcases the innovative and exemplary research being ...

  5. Environmental Professionals Network Breakfast Program

    from their respective teaching and research areas, addressing the many sides of creating, preserving ...

  6. Research

    agricultural productivity, sustainability, and public health worldwide. FAHRP’s research focus is on ... safety and zoonoses are of significant public health concern. We maintain a strong research portfolio ... for excellence and cutting edge research. Our work has resulted in a knowledge base to combat ...

  7. Congratulations to Sankar and Dipak

    research poster award for best poster in the post-doc category. His poster was titled “User-friendly  ... Dipak received 2 nd place on his Graduate Student Poster Presentation (Epidemiology and Applied Research ...

  8. Third Annual Student Wildlife Research Symposium at the EECO Conference

    The 3rd Annual Student Wildlife Research Symposium will take place on Thursday April 4, 2019 at ... and highlights wildlife-related research taking place at high schools around Ohio throughout the past ... who will talk about the impacts of high school student research on future conservation efforts. ...

  9. CFI Inaugural Event- Translating Science into Policy and Practice: What are the food safety priorities?

    Illness Research and Prevention (CFI) presents its inaugural event "Translating Science into Policy ...

  10. Using Your Strengths @ Work online

    contribution to your organization. The Gallup organization has found through its research that: People who know ...
