
Search results

  1. 61st Farm Science Review Brings Agricultural Innovation, Education and Exploration to the Midwest

    research and programs we have for farmers in Ohio to adopt, if they so choose,” he said. “Farmers here are ...

  2. Murumkar named as Field Specialist, Ecosystems Services at Ohio State

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences (CFAES). Murumkar, who previously served as a research scientist in the ... a comprehensive applied ecosystems services program with an emphasis on carbon research and Extension outreach for ... and industry researchers, faculty, and Extension educators,” said Sam Custer, interim assistant ...

  3. About CFAES

    sustain life. A Research Powerhouse OSU Extension Impacts Ohioans One College Our Reach Across the ...

  4. Fruit & Vegetable Talks – Farm Science Review 2023

    Extension Specialist, OSU 12:30 PM Growing Fruits in Containers Ryan Slaughter, Research Assistant II, FAES ...

  5. Capstone Team Wins ASABE/NABEC Undergraduate Design Competition

    "We spent early last summer researching solutions to the problem of how we were going to process the ...

  6. John Trzinski

    John Trzinski Research and Payload Development Manager- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter ...

  7. Sarah McNulty

    Sarah McNulty Research Associate- Any- Journal article Book/book chapter Report Working paper ... Wooster Campus researching the rubber-producing plant species Taraxacum kok-saghyz (TK). In July 2021 she ... joined FABE and started a new project where her research is now focused on the production of ...

  8. Conservation drainage – a showcase at the Ohio State Lima regenerative agriculture farm

    to 100 farmers, engineers, contractors and researchers from around northwest Ohio and across the ... started in 2020 and aims to provide research and educational opportunities focused on regenerative farming ... projects that restore the lands, waters and air quality at all the Ohio State campuses and develop research ...

  9. About the VP

    of the college which also comprises OSU Extension, the CFAES research enterprise- our statewide ... Agricultural Experiment Stations (Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center), and the Ohio State ... Outreach at Iowa State University, overseeing the 99-county campus network for research and education and ...

  10. Ph.D. Candidate receives CREF university scholarship

    candidate Daisy D'Angelo recently received a $4,000 university scholarship from the Compost Research ... and Education Foundation (CREF) for her work to improve compost marketability.  The Compost Research ... compost research and to spark interest in future careers in the composting industry. The scholarship also ...
