
Search results

  1. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Logs and Laying Yards

    in the Northeastern United States. Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. ...

  2. Low-Cost Treatment of Food Processing Wastewater

    biofilm-based treatment system. Research at The Ohio State University showed that microorganisms grow on the ... bioreactors are constructed with layers of sand and gravel as specified by OSU research. The bottom 6-inch (15 ...

  3. Eating Disorders Awareness: Bulimia Nervosa

    Research Associate, EFNEP, Family and Consumer Sciences Bulimia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized ... Researchers are finding that eating disorders are caused by a complex integration of genetic, biological, ...

  4. Local Economic Development Strategies for Energy Boomtowns

    Development This fact sheet series is based on the original research from the project “Maximizing the Gains of ... Old and New Energy Development for America’s Rural Communities.” This series summarizes the research ... economic sustainability are discussed in the research paper by Tsvetkova and Partridge (2015), “Economics ...

  5. Electrochemical Disinfection in the Fresh-Cut Produce Industry

    presence of chloride ions, low pH and high ORP of AEW kill the existing microorganisms. Research findings ... free radicals in microorganisms. In addition to that, researchers have proposed six mechanisms that ... and glassware in food processing plants. Research has shown that EW was very effective on vegetables ...

  6. Characteristics of a Boomtown

    Development This fact sheet series is based on the original research from the project “Maximizing the Gains of ... Old and New Energy Development for America’s Rural Communities.” This series summarizes the research ... a Boomtown There are several characteristics researchers identify as an economic boom for a community. While ...

  7. Eutypa Dieback of Grape

    to be caused by the fungus Phomopsis viticola. In 1976, researchers demonstrated that the “dead-arm” ... this disease in Ohio. However, research has indicated that painting large pruning wounds with ...

  8. Teaching Children to Resolve Conflict

    develop avenues for generating socially acceptable alternatives for getting what they want. Research has ...

  9. Asian Longhorned Ticks in Ohio

    harvested for hay, haylage, and baleage. Based on research, it is unlikely ALHT can survive at the moisture ...

  10. Managing Stress for a Healthy Heart

    and Research ...
