
Search results

  1. Letter from the Director

    Research and Development Center (OARDC). There has been an integration of the campus operations component ... facilities that would accommodate both OARDC research and Ohio State ATI teaching activities in the same ...

  2. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: A Study of End-use of Brownfield Redevelopment Projects in Ohio

    properties. The objective of my research was to determine what types of end-use those projects had, what ...

  3. 9 Tips for Keeping a Christmas Tree Fresh, 4 Trees You Should Know

    father of the Canaan fir for his research to develop the now widely grown species as a successful ...

  4. TWEL Gabriel Colorado Dissertation

    secondary forests. Overall, this research showed that (a) Neotropical migrants and mixed-species flocks were ... well as suitability of Andean forests for overwintering migratory birds. Fortunately, my research ...

  5. New Grant Focuses on Nutrient Management, Cleaner Lake Erie Water

    will support ongoing research efforts to better identify environments where practices will be cost ...

  6. Youth Scientist Curriculum Adult Education Class- day 2

    research from developing and testing hypotheses to reporting and presenting their findings.  Teaching ...

  7. Divya Gupta's Graduate Exit Seminar

    chosen. The research adopted a mixed-method approach that combined socio-political, institutional and ...

  8. Consumer Perception Study Research Report 3/16

    The Ohio Grape Industries Council conducted a study in March of 2016 where viewpoints of those in the industry were compared with viewpoints of consumers of Ohio wines.  Participants were asked to respond about several differnt areas including their wine ...

  9. Membership Testimonial

    reasons. Whether we are talking about athletics, cutting edge research, or quality of education, ...

  10. TWEL Marjorie Liberati Thesis

    with economic and social importance. Despite nearly a century of research, population declines continue ...
