
Search results

  1. Options for Short Season Summer Fall Forages

    which case late autumn grazing would be a more viable option. Our research utilizing oats planted on ... (there is also a winter biotype that acts like winter wheat). In our research, oat averaged slightly ... infection occurs. Our research has shown a significant yield and quality advantage to treating July and ...

  2. Manure Science Review Coming Thursday August 3rd

     Courtney Krieger, OSU Water Quality Educator, will discuss Composting Bedded Pack Manure research results. ... Water Conservation and Glen Arnold will talk about the latest research results on Cultivating in Surface ...

  3. Battle for the Belt: Episode 20

    three research locations (Northwest, Western, and Wooster) all have very different soil textures with ... canopy. As a recap, this research project includes five planting date windows, 1) Ultra early = late March ...

  4. Undergraduate

    our faculty in classroom instruction, academic advising, internships, research mentoring, and career ... students to specialize in these areas and many opportunities for laboratory and field research experiences ...

  5. Entomology Major

    cutting edge research who also teach entomology courses, and smaller class sizes enable them to provide ...

  6. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers and Fayette County Agronomy Day

    demonstrations. The event will be held at the Fayette County Research and Demonstration Farm, located northeast of ...

  7. 2023 Northwest Agronomic Field Day

    Karhoff Where:  Northwest Agricultural Research Station, 4240 Range Line Road, Custar, OH 43511 When: ...

  8. Amy Raudenbush

    Journal of Economic Entomology. 106 (1): 247-256. Researcher 2, Tilmon Lab Manager ... efficiency. In addition to her lab manager duties, Raudenbush mentors undergraduate research interns and is ... actively involved in publishing research and extension materials and graduate student research projects. ...

  9. Morgan (Mo) Christman

    (610) 316- 2710 Rothenbuhler Bee Research Lab at Waterman Farm, Columbus, OH Ph.D. in Ecology, Utah ... Adaptation Science program at USU. Mo’s research integrates population modeling, machine learning, geospatial ...

  10. Hail Damage to Soybean and Corn

    Preble County location, in addition to defoliation, some of the stems were broken (node loss). Research ... Research on stand losses in Ohio reported that 17–50% stand loss at the 7-leaf stage resulted in 6–16% ...
