
Search results

  1. Lydia Salsbury

    Lydia Salsbury Graduate Research Associate Lydia has joined the laboratory of ...

  2. Introduction to Office of Knowledge Enterprise

    her office and mission. OKE was established in 2021 and is responsible for growing OSU’s research ... portfolio and positioning the university as a national leader in research and creative expression. All ...

  3. Allison Sanders

    Allison Sanders Graduate Research Associate 1 Animal Sciences Allison is an MS ...

  4. Introduction to Office of Secure Research

    Jim Giuliani, director of the Office of Secure Research, will introduce the office and its role in ... international research collaborations and engagement, promoting full transparency surrounding all interactions ...

  5. Ohio Food Bank Association benefits from partnership with OSU – Meat Science Extension research project led by Dr. Lyda G Garcia

    Association and Beef Producers Nationwide. Dr. Garcia's  research  project studied two body types in cull ... Laboratory, a federally inspected  facility, processed the 20 cows that had been used in the research project. ... need, but this research is also serving a critical need for beef producers, nationwide. This is what ...

  6. Food Safety Games

    Consumer, and Environmental Sciences have researched and produced numerous videos and games that address ... basic laboratory techniques and practice methods used by lab technicians and researchers in a variety of ... from the Innovative Media Research and Extension website: Please ...

  7. Yogurt may be the next go-to garlic breath remedy

    responsible for garlic’s pungent scent from escaping into the air.  Researchers tested the garlic deodorizing ... student in her lab, decided to check it out.  For each treatment experiment, the researchers placed equal ... the raw cloves, the researchers theorized.  The findings are a good foundation for future studies ...

  8. Feeding and Nutrition

    Research and Extension Minerals and Vitamins Antioxidant Nutrients and Milk Quality Biotin for Lactating ...

  9. Fall Application of Dairy Manure

    rye over-winters, research has shown it can capture and hold 25 to 50 lb/acre of nitrogen in the ...

  10. Alexandria Maddox

    diplomacy and human rights. She is a member of NCURA (National Council of University Research ... Administrators), SRAI (Society of Research Administrators International), and NORDP (National Organization of ... Research Development Professionals). The Ohio State University, B.A, International Studies ...
