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Reminder! Stone Laboratory and Olentangy River Wetlands Winter Program
Laboratory; the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park; the Friends of Stone Lab; and ... a student participant in Stone Lab’s Research Experience for Undergraduates Fellowship Program. Space is ...
Accepting Participants for 3 Minute Thesis Competition
The OSU Graduate School is inviting graduate students, including all Research Forum (poster and ... Research Forum, giving students an opportunity to build on the work they have already done by developing ... a 3-minute (or less) presentation of their research as they would to laypersons, as well as a single ...
Drones for Spraying Pesticides- Part 2: Opportunities and Challenges
research data comparing drone performance (e.g., efficacy and spray drift) to ground sprayers and ...
Get involved
outside of classes and research. The group gets together for various activities and volunteer events. For ... and departmental faculty and staff, to bring together students from diverse background and research ... provide graduate students with the opportunity to present original research in scheduled research forums, ...
Please Participate! Using Data-Driven Knowledge For Profitable Soybean Management Systems
Lindsey, 2021 Coffey Rd., Columbus, OH 43210). This project is funded by the North Central Soybean Research ...
Topdressing Wheat with Liquid Swine Manure
finishing manure. In university research, we have used both manure tankers and drag hoses when topdressing ...
Making People Care: Elevator Speech Development Coaching Workshop
can bring your research passion to life for any audience. The workshop will run from 10 – 11:30 a.m. ...
Crop Rotation
sequence of crops grown in a field affects the productivity of each crop. Research from most Midwest states ... investigated by most land-grant universities. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin conducted a crop ...
Plant Populations and Seeding Rates
approach typically costs more than it saves. In the absence of major environmental stresses, most research ... State University research, optimum plant populations for silage are about 2,000 to 4,000 plants per acre ... research, two different cropping rotations (corn after soybeans and corn after corn) and two seeding rates ...
‘Warm’ Winter Days…What This Means for Wheat
At this point, exposure to freezing temperatures can be a concern. However, in our research, even at ...