
Search results

  1. Faculty-Student Engagement Series

    research related to food systems and food networks to guide and motivate agricultural and applied ... economists new to this space in conducting research on these topics. The frameworks and approaches we discuss ... research questions one might want to answer related to food systems and food networks; and the theories, ...

  2. Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy Seeking Student Parent Participants for Study

    Researchers in The Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy at the Ohio State ... records access. At the end of the semester of your participation, the research team will access your ... educational records from the office of Ohio State Student Academic Success Programs and Research (SASPR). If ...

  3. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Welcomes Pamela Thomas

    Summer Research Opportunities Program for the College an undergraduate research program done in ...

  4. NPR Interviews Dr. Joyce Chen on the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Careers of Women

    several research projects with the goal of becoming a full professor at Ohio State. However, she now ... research. In addition to being an associate professor and mother, Dr. Chen is also a part of Ohio State’s ...

  5. Malik selected as one of the annual research scholars of The Sadie Collective

    AEDE PhD student Khyati Malik has been selected as a 2022 Sadie Collective research scholar in ... programing and mentorship. Malik recently presented her research at the SACE 2022 Research Reception to ... nearly 500 guests. Malik’s research looks at the impact income and poverty has on the rate of Covid-19 ...

  6. Congratulations Brianne Linne

    Congratulations to Brianne Linne on her successful PhD dissertation defense.  Her research was ...

  7. Shiqi Zhang

    During his undergraduate period, he was a research assistant at School of Economics, Peking University, ... working on establishing the ideological system of Jean Tirole. He attended the research conducted by ... Guanghua School of Management during his graduate career. This research experience, which concerns about ...

  8. NASEM Panel on Accessibility and Inclusion in Science

    accessibility and inclusion in computational-based research and education. The panel is hosted by the  National ...

  9. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Joyce Chen

    depth of our work, not only our individual research and teaching but our ability to engage with ... in ways that my (purely) scholarly research could not and have found it to be extremely rewarding. ...

  10. New DEI Webinars Available Through the National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity

    classrooms and research groups, how to most effectively support Black students and colleagues, and how to ... proactively contribute to diverse and inclusive campus communities, whether those be classrooms, research ...
