
Search results

  1. Jenna Odegard's Graduate Defense Seminar

    is measured. Most research that examines whether more diverse communities are more resistant to ...

  2. SENR Honors Thesis Presentation: In Vitro Tests of Environmental Variables

    variable. Much of the current research on type A influenza viruses has focused on transmission of the virus ... across bird species via direct contact. However, this research focuses on water sources used by infected ... Furthermore, this research compared the persistence of sporadically vs frequently occurring LPAIVs. The purpose ...

  3. Encouraging Synergies between Human and Natural Systems: An Essential Step toward Sustainability

    Institute of Technology in Mumbai, India. His research is motivated by the need for a sustainable ... systems. His awards include a CAREER award from the National Science Foundation, Research Excellence in ...

  4. Ohio Woodland, Water, Wildlife Conference Recap

    attendance, ranging from Ohio resource managers to researchers and everything in between. Attendees also ...

  5. 2015 Ohio Woodland Water & Wildlife conference

    Gypsy moth update The lingering ash research Pine pests Vernal pool construction Dam safety Hazardous ...

  6. Pranay Ranjan's Graduate Defense Seminar

    a mixed methods research approach using semi-structured phone interviews with one change agent each in 17 ...

  7. OSU South Centers Academic Editor received recognition from PLOS ONE

    By: Sarah Strausbaugh, Program Assistant   Recently, OSU South Centers Senior Research Scientist, ...

  8. Climate Exploration Series

    the Byrd Polar Research Center series, “Climate Explorations,” and will provide a health focus on this ... Solutions – Dr. Ellen Mosley-Thompson, Byrd Polar Research Center, The Ohio State University   Americans’ ...

  9. School of Earth Sciences Mini-Symposium Film Festival

    about studying corals at the limit of light off of Maui as well as an introduction to research being ... Professor Lonnie Thompson presents "Ice Core Research and Preservation" a Big 10 Network segment ...

  10. Hexion Inc.

    marketing policy. A lot of my time, I spent online researching, for example, marketing guidelines for other ...
