
Search results

  1. TWEL Marja Bakermans Thesis

    migrant across rural and urban landscapes. Further research is needed to (1) determine if manipulations of ...

  2. OFWMA Webinar Series

    management and research in Ohio without leaving their desks. Presentations will be 1 hour long with plenty of ...

  3. Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series

    about the nature and impact of scholarly work, and the relevance of problem-based applied research in ...

  4. ENRGP Exit Seminar: Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management

    Hall. Beau Ingle will present Collaborative Partnerships and Invasive Species Management. Prior research ...

  5. SENR Professor's research highlighted in leading newspaper

    Rattan Lal, a soil scientist and director of Ohio State University's Carbon Management and Sequestration Center is quoted in a recent Ideas article written by Rebecca Tuhus-Dubrow for The Boston Globe.  The article, " How to solve climate change ...

  6. Study Abroad

    Caribbean nation of The Dominican Republic. Conduct environmental research in China. Possible future trips ...

  7. Reflections on Biking To Work

    only takes a few more minutes to get to work biking versus driving." Joe Campbell, a research ...

  8. TWEL Jason Tucker Thesis

    restoration) to determine the minimum viable population of cranes in Ohio.  More research is also necessary to ...

  9. New Online Tool Helps Well Owners Understand Water Test Results

    was funded in part by a research and development grant from the Ohio Water Development Authority.-30- ...

  10. TWEL Melissa Santiago Thesis

    research is needed to assess the potential for pesticide exposure, differences in productivity between ...
