Search results
Children and Water Quality: Learning, Improving in Ohio and Uganda
environmental change and who has conducted research in Uganda since 2010. “For example, water quality in the ...
Spring 2014 SENR Seminar Series
while others cannot cope and so biodiversity is lost. My research explores the question, how do fish ... critical habitat needs in the hopes of conserving imperiled species. My research spans North America and ...
Ohio State researcher to study spiders, insects in vacant lots
about this urban ecology research study in the Columbus Dispatch. ...
Tail Docking of Dairy Cattle: Is it beneficial or a welfare issue?
research. Proceedings of the New Zealand Society of Animal Production 52:77-79. Matthews, L.R., A. Phipps, ... Behaviour and Welfare Research Centre, Hamilton, NZ, pp 1-25. Schreiner, D.A., and P.L. Ruegg. 2002. Effects ...
New Diagnostic Testing for Johne's Disease in Ohio
exhaustive comparison of this system with the solid media method has not been done, but research has ... and research done in Ohio with other liquid culture systems. Although not all the factors are known, ...
More Milk- Good for Me? Good for Our Industry?
Market Research, National Milk Producers Federation, the primary reason the all-milk price did not fall ... resources going into research and development of new dairy food products which are attractive to diverse ...
Mary Hufford Student Workshop
research, and to share your questions. Please bring to the workshop a transcription from your fieldwork ...
Sustainability NOW! Youth Summit Application
management and sustainability. It will be held at the Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research ...
tables; each presenter will sit at a table and describe their research, often with paper handouts. Each ... a section reception where you can meet other researchers in environmental sociology. Other sections of ASA ... communities, and the environment. RSS Research Interest Groups (RIGs) cover many topics of interest to the ...
Alumni Connection Spring 2015
research on land use, greenhouse gas emissions and energy use has provided him with invaluable ... White House, Dr. West worked at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory’s Joint Global Change Research ... and make things happen. Seeing that I am not a research scientist, my brain doesn’t work that way; ...