
Search results

  1. Fighting Ohio's Invasive Species: 'Everyone Can Be Part of the Battle'

    worth $7 billion, according to the Congressional Research Service. Lake Erie produces more of that ... They also work with scientists studying invasive species at Ohio State’s Ohio Agricultural Research and ... Development Center, which is the research arm of CFAES. And they’ve co-developed a new smartphone app that ...

  2. What is the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center

    The Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center is the research arm of Ohio State's ...

  3. New Ohio Casinos Prompt Cautions on Gambling Addiction

    "Research shows that 3 to 8 percent of adolescents who engage in gambling exhibit serious gambling ...

  4. A&P Promotion Committee Workshop

    Section 11:30 – Break 11:45 – Research and Creative Works – Publications Noon – Working Lunch: Creative ...

  5. Todd Steiner

    both research and extension responsibilities. Todd received a B.A. in Biology from Tabor College in ... Sate University/OARDC. His research and extension efforts are focused on various vineyard cultural ...

  6. Shouxin Li, Wins National Scholarship

    research project titled:  "Improving freezing tolerance of Vitis vinifera  Pinot Gris Grapevines using ...

  7. Workshop to Focus on Keeping Phosphorus in Soil to Prevent Algal Blooms

    OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research arms, respectively, of the college.  “This is ...

  8. Orchard Sprayer Technology Field Day

    variations in canopy size, leaf density, plant spacing, and gaps within target trees.  Researchers of USDA’s ... Application Technology Research Unit located at the OARDC Wooster campus and at The Ohio State University ...

  9. Abby Wolfe

    a student research assistant. My hobbies include gardening, hiking, attending concerts, playing with my cat, ...

  10. Getting Started in Hops Production Workshop

    The Getting Started in Hops Production workshop will be held on the Ohio Agricultural Research and ... and OARDC are the outreach and research arms, respectively, of Ohio State’s College of Food, ...
