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  1. Mental Accounts, Selective Attention, and the Mutability of Altruism: An Experiment with Online Workers

    Seminar Series. His presentation focused on his recent research: "Mental Accounts, Selective ...

  2. Late season diseases showing up in unexpected places in 2015

    produces. We have the North Central Soybean Research program soybean variety trial in Northwest Ohio, and ...

  3. Northeast Ohio Regional Agronomy School to be Held on February 23, 2016

    OSU Extension’s new field crop entomologist will also be on hand to discuss her multi-state research ...

  4. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-27

    lengthen grain filling and promote greater dry matter accumulation and grain yields.  Past research at the ... inch row is important in evaluating any row spacing change.   Research done by Beuerlein & Minyo in ... % or 6.6 bushels per acre (bu/ac). To read this research report, go to:  http ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-04

    cutworm, soybeans will be infected Managing Burcucumber in Corn- Results of 2010 Research Timing of Foliar ... illustrates that historic field research with lower yielding hybrids or varieties, still applies.  Newer ... February or early March as urea, UAN (28%), or ammonium sulfate at the OARDC Northwest Research Station ...

  6. Burndown of Cover Crops

    free online.  Contains a summary of his research on cover crop termination and effect of residual ...

  7. Time Is Money: An Empirical Examination of the Dynamic Effects of Regulatory Uncertainty on Residential Subdivision Development

    Douglas Wrenn, Postdoctoral Researcher in the Department of Agricultural, Environmental, and ...

  8. Scholarships

    producer Arthur J. Hoffmann, this scholarship is awarded to a junior or senior researching a greenhouse ...

  9. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-28

    and thus, there are 2-4 weeks of continued growth and pod fill.  Research suggests that aphids can ... outcome of your yield data.- When conducting on-farm research trials or harvesting fields with multiple ... address with current research (from OSU and other mid-west land grant universities), the following wheat ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-41

    Season Wrap Up: Part II This was a very challenging year to conduct research.  The challenges that ... David Dugan, Bruce Clevenger, producers in Defiance, Wood, Pike, and Brown Counties; OARDC research ... resistance score for what has been reported from other studies.  Within the north central soybean research ...
