
Search results

  1. Hogan Named President of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents

    Ohio coordinator for the U.S. Department of Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education ...

  2. Hogan Named President of the National Association of County Agricultural Agents

    of Agriculture Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Program, works to promote several ...

  3. Ohio State Students Launch ‘Environmental ScienceBites’ iBook

    to Environmental Science course researched, wrote and reviewed all the articles as a project for the ...

  4. How to Determine Fair Price for Farm Building Rentals

    a partnership of extension educators from across the Midwest. OSU Extension and researchers from CFAES’s ...

  5. Western Nutrient Management and Placement Field Day

    21 at the Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center’s  Western Agricultural Research Station, ... 7721 S. Charleston Pike in South Charleston in Clark County.  OARDC  is the college’s research arm. How ...

  6. Ohio's Future: 3 Scenarios for 2035

    as developed by researchers and experts from The Ohio State University. The information shared in ...

  7. New CFAES Position to Oversee Facilities and Faculty Talent

    Extension-- and our internationally recognized research portfolio will benefit from Ron’s new role. He will ...

  8. Graduate Student Organization

    departmental faculty and staff. To bring together students from diverse background and research areas in an ...

  9. New Vineyard Survey Seeks Information on Costs to Hire Workers

    to complete, is available online at: Some questions the survey asks include: ...

  10. Summer or winter, ice wine from Ohio is hot (there’s science behind it)

    San Francisco Chronicle Wine Competition. Steiner conducts research that helps Ohio winemakers ... Together, they deliver the only long-term, university-backed research program serving Ohio’s grape and wine ...
