
Search results

  1. ‘Warm’ Winter Days…What This Means for Wheat

    At this point, exposure to freezing temperatures can be a concern. However, in our research, even at ...

  2. Citizen Science for Great Lakes Cover Crops- Spring 2023 Recruitment

    different farming conditions. This research will help inform site-specific recommendations for improving ...

  3. Row Spacing

    as sunlight interception increases, so does yield. Researchers have learned that the peak demand for ...

  4. Producing Wheat in 15-Inch Rows

    seeds per acre) is recommended. In on-farm research trials conducted in Fulton County, there was no ...

  5. Date of Planting

    early- to mid-June plantings dates) at OSU research farms in northwest (NW), northeast (WO), and ... research indicates that the required GDDs units from planting to kernel black layer decreases with delayed ...

  6. Sampling Corn Grain for Vomitoxin

    sampling and sample processing. Guidelines for grain sampling, based on research with scabby wheat and ...

  7. Dr. Mark Sulc Retires

    research on topics including, development of predictive equations for alfalfa quality (i.e. PEAQ sticks for ... efforts. Although Mark’s research and extension efforts are notable, perhaps his greatest contribution was ...

  8. Controlling Slugs and Voles in Cover Crops

    Agricultural Research Stations, provided listeners with some insight and advice on controlling slugs and voles, ...

  9. Time to stock up on nozzles now! But do you know which one to buy?

    find nozzles within the same “flat-fan” category classified as “low-drift.” Research conducted at Ohio ...

  10. Row Width

    narrowed from 30 inches to 22 inches and 15 inches, respectively. However, in university research in ... and moderate yield levels. University of Illinois research found no trend for higher or lower yielding ...
