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  1. Environmental Film Series Starts Oct. 20

    associate professor with Ohio State’s Byrd Polar and Climate Research Center. Nov. 3, “ Plains ” and ...

  2. Big Data, Water Quality Focus of Conservation Tillage Conference March 3-4

    Agricultural Research and Development Center. OSU Extension and OARDC are the outreach and research arms of the ... research, insight, tips and techniques on conservation tillage including cover crops, no-till, soil quality, ... will feature some 60 presenters, including 20 CFAES researchers and Extension educators, as well as ...

  3. Four Tools to Kick-Start Your Financial Well-Being In 2018

    make plans for the new year. I have used the following four websites in my research and for my ...

  4. Billion Ton Bioeconomy

    simultaneously making great strides towards a more sustainable world. It adds new clarity to our research and ...

  5. Lonnie King Appointed Acting Dean of CFAES

    scientific contributions align well with CFAES's teaching and learning, research and innovation, and ... prevention, policy development and research. King also worked in global trade agreements and has testified ...

  6. How to Evaluate Emerging Soybeans

    research conducted by the Ag Crops Team at Ohio State indicates that soybean populations of just 50,000 ...

  7. Perceptions of Electricity and Water Use, Columbus

    video link to 123 Williams Hall, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison ...

  8. “How Well Do Ecosystem Characteristics Predict Bird Abundance at the Landscape Spatial Scale?”

    video link to 123 Williams Hall, Ohio Agricultural Research and Development Center, 1680 Madison ...

  9. Ohio Shale’s Biggest Environmental Impact May Be on Forests: Talk at Farm Science Review

    Bonnell of The Ohio State University, who will speak twice on his research looking into the Ohio shale ...

  10. Gwynne a Green Spot at Farm Science Review: Why You Should Check It Out

    surface, are netted and safely released. For fish researchers, it’s a way to see what’s down there — the ...
