
Search results

  1. Cultural Connections: Spain

    Carla Román  is a visiting scholar from Spain conducting her research advised by Dr. Erdal Ozkan ... collaborating closely with Dr. Hongyoung Jeon and Dr. Heping Zhu of the USDA’s Application Technology Research ... reduction. Currently, the main focus of her research is the variable rate application of pesticides through ...

  2. Todd Steiner

    research and extension for quality wine production but have recently moved to all extension due to the ...

  3. Introducing the Controlled Environment Agriculture Program!

    Environment Agriculture Research Complex (CEARC) opened this past fall at Waterman Agricultural and Natural ... of their research, and he shared " The CEARC is a state-of-the-art facility for cultivating ... technologies and systems that can advance CEA research and be a center for workforce development, yet it also ...

  4. Student Clubs

    State students of all identities and academic backgrounds to engage in learning, research, and ...

  5. Shaohui Wu

    pest management Insect pathology Research areas (30%) My research interest is focused on integrated ... management of arthropod pests and diseases in turfgrass. Research areas in my lab include but are not limited ... exploring for novel and eco-friendly tactics for managing turf pests and diseases. The goal of research is ...

  6. 2011

    Research 159: 215-222. Jones, M.W., E. Boyd  and  M.G. Redinbaugh. 2011. Response of near isogenic lines ... Research. 59:69-72. Rajarapu S.P., Mamidala P., Herms D.A.,  Bonello P.  and Mittapalli O. 2011. Antioxidant ...

  7. CFAES- Apple U-Pick- September 15th

    CFAES- Wooster faculty, staff and students are invited to a U-pick at the research apple orchard ... not permitted (except service animals). This is a research farm so pickers will be required to use ...

  8. National Summit

    (ECOP), the Western Center for Metropolitan Extension & Research (WCMER), and the National Urban ...

  9. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Amanda Folck

    turfgrass research at the turf center, how to set up a conference, designing quiz questions, and other ... research. Also, the home games at Purdue in the spring were not happening until late March (compare to late ... spring semester. But when COVID-19 happened in March 2020, I had to adjust my thesis research and my ...

  10. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Tyler Cornish

    for, what kind of research they’re doing, or any number of things. I wouldn’t be where I am today had ...
