
Search results

  1. SENR Interview on the Environmental Science Student Symposium

    research topic in environmental science students are interested in will be presented at the Symposium.   In ...

  2. ScienceWriters2014

    workshops, briefings on the latest scientific research, extensive networking opportunities, and field trips, ...

  3. Animal Sciences at 2015 CFAES Recognition Banquet

    (Rank Four) Ellen Schwieterman (ATI Horse Science, transferring to Animal Sciences) OARDC Research Award ...

  4. Benjamin Wickizer's Graduate Defense Seminar

    research questions: 1) What is the prevalence of the belief that wildlife possess intrinsic value? 2) Is ...

  5. Lake States Fire Science Webinar

    State University. Also participating will be a panel with Christel Kern, PhD, Northern Research Station, ... a panel discussion with Consortium partners engaged in research and monitoring activities.  Resolving ... knowledge gaps via future research, including studies developed through scientist-manager collaborations, ...

  6. SABIT Program Tours Waterman Dairy

    their own countries. The Waterman Dairy Center has a 3-fold purpose of teaching, outreach, and research ...

  7. Learning Gardens

    outdoor laboratory for teaching and research. Our mission is to provide an extensive and diverse ... collection of plants for education, research, and enjoyment for all who visit. The variety of plant material ...

  8. Autumn 2013 SENR Seminar Series

      The SENR Seminar Series welcomes  Dr. Joanne Rebbeck, Research Ecologist, USDA Forest Service ... Northern Research Station, who will present What is the Urban Invasive Tree, Ailanthus, Doing in Our ...

  9. Seminar: Katelyn Barnhart

    Microbiome.  Animal Health Research Reviews 13(1): 121-128. 2. Desrochers, A.M., B.A. Dolente, M.F. Roy, R. ...

  10. A Distinguished Career in Aerospace and Public Affairs

    research. She is a candidate for the Neil Armstrong Chair at Ohio State. After receiving her Ph.D. in ...
