
Search results

  1. Lake States Fire Science Consortium Moquah Barrens Field Tour

    sandpiper), pine barrens vegetation, invasive plant species, monitoring, and current research. COST and ...

  2. Shared Visions, Future Challenges: A Mental Models Study of Three Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Programs

    research has considered collaboration in the context of forest restoration efforts. Of particular interest ...

  3. Workshop to Spotlight Whole-system Solutions to Nutrient Runoff, Water Issues

    invited top researchers and representatives from government agencies, the agricultural community and ...

  4. Faculty Partnering on One Health Initiative

    Medicine in OSU’s College of Veterinary Medicine and charged with conducting behavioral research and risk ...

  5. Community, Environment & Development

    environment and development issues facing contemporary communities. We offer research-based technical reports ...

  6. Glaciers, Gender, and Science: Toward a Feminist Glaciology

    glaciology and cryospheric sciences, and a framework for approaching social research on climate and global ...

  7. Alumni Connection Spring 2016

    Olentangy River Wetland Research Park Program Endowment Fund OTHER ENDOWMENT AND GIFT FUNDS 601755  John F. ... Sociology 308031  Shade Tree Evaluation 309710  Wetlands Research 310207  Mitsch Memorial 314223  Youth Beat ...

  8. Birthright: People and Nature in the Modern World

    Stephen R. Kellert, author and Tweedy/Ordway Professor Emeritus of Social Ecology and Senior Research ...

  9. Dairy Educational Forum and Open House

    2012-08-09 End Time: 15:30 Come hear the latest on research with Jersey cattle and observe the quality ...

  10. Analyzing Ohio State University’s Food Purchasing System: Opportunities for Change through the Real Food Challenge

    achieve alternative food system goals and further research questions are raised.     ...
